Seems harmless enough right? Bananas, spring cheese, odwalla bar, and a pile of veggies. However, figuring out what we are all going to eat everyday drives me insane. I am not by nature a creative person and I totally lost my love of food while pregnant with my son. I had to eat constantly when I was pregnant with him or my sugar would drop and I felt horrible, I got so tired of what to eat next.
However, I know food and nutrition is important so I do my best to make it as round a meal as possible, as evidenced here in today's lunch for the kids, all the food groups are represented. I long for the day when it doesn't seem like such a chore to pick out meals for the week (then do the shopping required so that we can eat them). Maybe someday.
And now, for the end of week one of C25K.
I was sick last night and into this morning. It sucked, hard. However I was able to get an hour and a half nap in this afternoon and I was able to eat dinner. I also knew that if I didn't do day 3 (the last day) of week one I was likely to slack off. So I knew I had to at least TRY to do today's, I could always try again tomorrow if I couldn't do it.
Well, I am proud to say that Friday will bring week two as I was able to complete today's.
It is interesting because I don't really think of three days a week being much for exercise but I could feel in today's session, that even with being sick and not quite up to par, I was just about ready to run for a little bit longer at a time.
The only real issue I have with it so far is that I am running on a treadmill because I am a pansy and running outside in New England winter is not my thing. Now ordinarily this wouldn't be a big deal, but I get the WORST vertigo when I run on the treadmill, well not while one it, but when its time to go back to walking like a normal person.
I did a little googleing and found out it is normal and affects the same part of of the ear that causes motion sickness, and considering how motion sick I get, I am not surprised. It calms down pretty quickly once I am off the treadmill, I just need to make sure to hold the railing while going up the stairs out of the basement.
So onward and upward I go.
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