Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Project 365 Day 19 + Movies

Here is a screencap of my current Netflix queue.

I like a wide array of movies. I do have a special place in my heart for "bad" horror movies. I love the Halloween movies in a way I can't explain. I have seen Halloween more times than I can count and can't wait until it comes out in Blu-Ray as a box set.

I also like the occasional laugh. I find that I have a different sense of humor than the masses so the normal funny movies just don't do it for me.

I do like thrillers quite a bit. I enjoy trying to figure out what is going to happen with each part of the movie.

I like dramas sometimes. I find that a lot of them don't do much for me. I am not bothered by movies lime Armageddon, I find that movie stupid. Normal people cry during that movie (so I am told)...I laugh instead.

So there is my little insight to the movies I watch.

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