Today's project was cleaning out cloth diapers. This was the resulting pile.

I posted all those diapers on craigslist today to go to new homes (as a lot).
What that means, is the end of an era has come to my home. It is time to transition from having babies to having a kindergartener and a preschooler. This is probably one of the most bittersweet feelings I have ever had. I love babies, however I also know I am ready to be done with that stage.
Both of my kids are extremely independent and don't need me there ALL the time and this is a huge plus in my daily life. If I need to go upstairs to fold laundry, not a problem in the least. I can hear them but they don't need me there with them. It is the same thing for going outside. Ms. I is not a fan of the cold at all, Mr. A on the other hand LOVES the cold and will spend hours outside if need be. He is at the age now where he can play outside alone safely. The idea of starting from scratch with a baby that needs me there 100% of the time just isn't appealing.
So, away goes the baby gear, starting with these diapers.
Time to start a new page in our lives, parenting big kids.
We were at that stage about a year ago. :) Oh, how things can change! Baby J is awesome and I love him like crazy, but it's definitely a really *really* big change.