Thursday, June 16, 2011


So, recently I have started exercising.

Let me start by explaining that this is a WHOLE new world for me. I had a crazy metabolism when I was younger and could pack away whatever I wanted for food, no matter how bad, and wouldn't gain an ounce. I had flat abs and good legs. Thin thighs. The works. I never once had to do anymore exercise than I got by just existing in a day to get that way.

Then I got pregnant with my son. I gained 40 pounds. I have to say, that was difficult for me, to see the scale go up and up and up. I had been the same weight since 7th grade so packing on the pounds wasn't fun. That said, after he was born, within 6 weeks, I had lost all of the weight. It was a little bit crazy and I blame most of it on the over production of milk that I had since I was nursing.

Then when my son was 14 months old, I got pregnant with my daughter. I figured it wouldn't be so bad when I saw the scale climb up and up and up, again gaining that same 40 pounds. I figured I would lose it all again with no trouble since it fell right off the first time. Unfortunately I was incorrect and the weight just stuck right to me.

It wasn't so much the weight that was the real issue for me it was the way I felt. I FELT heavy and unhealthy. I didn't have as much spring in my step and was a little depressed that I couldn't rebound like I did with my son.

I would try, off and on, to do exercise to try to help the weight come down and I verrrrrrrrrry slowly lost the weight.

Only recently did I finally find an exercise routine that I like, that I can stick with, and that is actually showing me results.

I had tried 30 Day Shred and while I don't doubt it works wonderfully for a lot of people, for my body type it wasn't doing anything other than making me want to throw things at the TV. I happened to ask in a forum I am part of what people suggest for someone that doesn't really need to lose weight but REALLY needs to tone up and exercise and someone suggested The Body Sculpting Bible for Women.

I figured it couldn't hurt and it didn't cost anymore than a normal exercise DVD so I gave it a go. I ordered that and a set of weights and got started. The program itself is very simple, at least on the section that I am doing. Since I have never really exercised before, much less done weight lifting, I am doing a "break in" work out that lets your muscles get accustomed to being used.

On weights days I have 8 exercises that I do 2 sets of. It takes me maybe 20 minutes a day. Then on non-weights days it is cardio and ab exercises. The cardio can be anything...for 20 minutes. Running, jogging, walking, Just Dance, yoga, etc and the abs are just crunches and leg raises. Nothing difficult and nothing that leaves me feeling as though I want throw things or sit in the corner and cry.

I am happy to say I have completed 5 weeks of this new routine and finally found something I can STICK with that actually shows results.

My strength has gotten a lot better, I have abs, biceps, and leg muscles again. I feel healthier and stronger. I am setting a good example for the kids. My mood is improved as a result of the exercise as well. I haven't lost much weight (only about 3 pounds) but again, I didn't really expect to or even want to, I just wanted to change the shape of my body and so far it is changing just the way I want it to.

The only downside? My engagement/wedding rings are getting a little loose!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Shannon. I was randomly clicking through my bookmarks and wanted to just come and comment on this bc I remember u posting on fb awhile back some before and after pics of your exercise progress. I have to say again that u did a great job. Reading this now was like wow I could have wrote this. Though it's not so much that I held onto so much weight after my 2nd (I'm really only 5lbs heavier than prepreg which for being underweight prior is actually probably good for me) but I feel like any muscle I did have was lost. And all that was left was flabby flabby fat in unwanted places. I really should just find something and stick to it for my sanity's sake. Anyways hope youre doing well and the holidays have been good to u and the fam
